Know Your Season

Know Your Season

“I will bless my people and their homes around my holy hill. And in the proper season I will send the showers they need. There will be showers of blessing” (Ezekiel 34:26 NLT).

What a wonderful God we served. Knowing what season you are in is vital to your harvest. God is doing a New thing in and through His people in the month of August. He is releasing in this season showers of blessing. The presence of God will sit on His people. The seeds that have been planted will yield its crops. “Jesus then gave them this illustration: “A wealthy landowner had a farm that produced bumper crops. Every year the harvest was so great it filled his barns to overflowing!” (Luke 12:16 TPT). People of God, get ready to receive your bumper crops!

I believe that when we sow the seed of the Word of God in our hearts, we can expect to receive a bountiful harvest in every area of our lives. The last few months were very challenging for my husband and me. We experienced one thing after another. However, we kept our trust in God, knowing what He spoke in our hearts would come to pass in our lives. While we were in Springfield Missouri, several months ago, my husband Glenn stated that God whispered three promises to him: “I will always be with you, I will never leave you, and I love you with an everlasting love.” He stated, he heard those words so clearly that tears began to flow from his eyes. That is a sure word to us all. Do not miss out on the harvest that God has prepared for you in this season.

God has been speaking to my husband and me through a powerful scripture over the last couple of months. We have sowed that scripture in our hearts. God spoke very clearly that we “will see the Goodness of the LORD in the land of the living” Psalms 27:13 NLT. Based on this promise from God to us, we are expecting our God who is GOOD, to release bountiful blessings into our lives this season. I want to encourage you to expect God to shower you exceedingly, abundantly with His goodness. Prepare to receive your bumper crops! This is your season!

Bettie Davis

This Is Your Season!
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